Nicola Bertasi


Nicola Bertasi was born in Milano in January 1983. He lived seven years in Liguria, one year in Paris and has been living since in Milan. He writes and takes pictures. In the recent years he has been working as assistant to several photographers. He works with Il Manifesto and Alias.


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_Le vie ricordano

Alfredo Bosco


Alfredo Bosco nasce nel 1987 a San Miniato Alto (Pisa). Dal 2007 vive a Milano e studia Filosofia all'Università degli studi di Milano. Si è diplomato alla scuola di fotografia John Kaverdash e ha lavorato come free lance per aziende pubblicitarie e fotografiche, realizzando reportage in Medio Oriente e Asia Centrale.


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_Fenomenologia a due

Simone Keremidtschiev was born in Milano on July 28th 1984. He attended the Cesare Beccaria Gymnasium where he became friends and shooting partners with Isacco, discovering his passion for photography. His photographic curriculum already numbers many expositions. Now SImone is finishing his studies in Law and he is working in a legal firma.


Published on MiCiAp:
_Invisibile city
_March 1st 2010

Roberta Levi


Roberta Levi nasce a Bergamo nel 1985. Attualmente vive e lavora a Milano. Si diploma nel 2008 in Fotografia presso l'Istituto Europeo di Design e nel 2011 in Photoediting e Ricerca Fotografica presso il Centro di Formazione Professionale Riccardo Bauer. Tra il 2008 e il 2011 lavora come freelance nel campo della fotografia di still life e design. Dal 2011 continua a lavorare nel campo della fotografia occupandosi di photoediting e ricerca iconografica. Ha lavorato per Vogue Italia e attualmente collabora con Renata Ferri, photoeditor, e per il fotografo Alessandro Belgiojoso. Dall'inizio del 2013 è photoeditor per Milano Città Aperta.


Alberto Locatelli


Alberto Locatelli was born in Milan in 1982. In 2006 he graduated in Techniques and Languages of Photography at the Centro di Formazione Professionale Riccardo Bauer, showing as his final project the Contemporary Ruins photo essay. In 2008 he took part in the Parolaio Como Festival with the bi-personal Chrysalis: photographic tales from the invisible city, trying to merge a philosophical attitude with photography. In 2009 he graduated in Aesthetics at the Università Statale di Milano with a dissertation titled Photography between reality and fantasy.

Isacco Loconte

Executive coordinator

Isacco Loconte was born in Milano in 1985. After Gymnasium he joined the Faculty of Physics and specialised in Astrophysics. Since young he inherited from his father the passion for photography which he develops going to exhibitions, reading about photography and taking part to different contests.


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Edoardo Mozzanega

editor testi

Edoardo Mozzanega was born in Thiene (Vicenza) in July 1988. He grew up in Milan and studied philosophy at the University of Milan, after graduating with a thesis on Wittgenstein at the University of Pavia and Heidelberg. He is interested in photography since 2009 and currently works as an assistant to Giulio Di Meo, which organizes courses in reportage between Milan and Barcelona. In January 2012 he founded with colleagues from studies "In Nuce", a quarterly magazine of exercises humanities. We currently divides his time between writing, photography, theater, and video and multimedia projects.


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_Barona split

Thomas Pagani Roberto


Thomas Pagani Roberto was born in Rho (Milano) in 1983. He is getting his degree in Environmental Sciences at the Università Statale of Milano. He is currently working as a GIS technician in the WWF woods of Vanzago. He started to seriously approach photography in winter 2008, when he focused on the urban night scene which he defines "contemporary art aspects", without missing out on nature.


Published on MiCiAp:
_Presenze _Unexpected places

Daniele Pennati


Daniele Pennati was born in Milano in 1982. He has been passionate about photography and darkroom since he was a child. During his studies he got a degree in Town and Country Planning with a deep reflection on photography as a tool to investigate and understand the environment. He is now carrying on his project while is doing his ph.d. in City Planning at IUAV in Venice and being assistant researcher at the Politecnico di Milano.