Ex Campo Rom
di Via Malaga
On 10 September 2013, was cleared of the Rom camp via Malaga. The former occupants have not challenged the decision of the City hall because they were afraid.
The Onlus "Associazione Sviluppo e Promozione", that works in Zone 6 of Milan since over 26 years with its activities in support of the communities excluded by our society, it followed in 2013 a Rom community which allocated about 7 years in Via Malaga (Barona area).
The intent was to bring the Roma culture, to try to offer them a chance to listen and to dialogue and help 20 children, toward a normal school career.
They lived in precarious conditions: no toilets, no electricity and running water, next to a canal transformed in landfill, and they used to be victims of forced evictions. Despite the deplorable conditions of the field, those spaces had become real homes.
On September 10, 2013 under pressure from the ownership of the land, the City of Milan carried out the eviction inviting Rom to fit in reception centers Barzaghi Via and Via Lombroso on the basis of the "Plan Rom ", which provides support to families with the goal of social inclusion.
Only a few of the 80 people who lived in the area of Via Malaga, have been waiting for the police on the morning of the eviction, rejected the proposal their offer, because they had too many fears, too much discrimination, too many limits imposed by an instrument still considered not suitable to the needs a community accustomed to living free.
Today, some of them returned to Romania, others have built a small camp of huts, some live in the car, two of them finally decided to enter one of the centers of primary care and to follow the path proposed to them to try to put an end to almsgiving slavery and a life of his wits.