Drug Squad
Milan, the capital of cocaine. An endless battle takes its course in the streets at night between small drug dealers and the police.
In Milan in 2007 a special police task force to contrast drug dealing on the street was set up.
Three teams of 9 plain-clothes police officers fight small drug dealers every day – young men that every day place on the market around 15,000 doses of white powder. It is an uneven battle and the police officers know it.
They move around the drug dealing areas with extreme confidence, disguised as commoners. Danger is around the corner. House searches, car chases, and an unexpected reactions from the arrested are not infrequent.
The objective is not to defeat drug dealing, but to confine the problem.
They know that for each arrested dealer, there are many ready to replace him.
The team has developed a sixth sense to recognize potential dealers. Sometimes a single hand motion, a mode of walking, the obsessive use of the phone, are good enough to spot a suspect. They start to follow him, until the "transaction" takes place: a Suv approaches the potential dealer, the window comes down, a swift hand motion – the deal has been sealed.
"Toni, the exchange has taken place, stop the red Suv"
Then the team breaks up. Part of the team stops the "client", the others will start the chase.
Face to the pavement, handcuff on the wrists.
"What's your name?"
"Mohammed, what do you want?"
The dealer is immediately pinned down, in order to prevent him from swallowing the coke.
And as Mohammed is taken to the police station, the traffic on the streets continues as usual.