"Let's not pretend that things will change if we keep doing the same things. A crisis can be a real blessing to any person, to any nation. For all crises bring progress. Creativity is born from anguish, just like the day is born form the dark night. It's in crisis that inventive is born, as well as discoveries, and big strategies. Who overcomes crisis, overcomes himself, without getting overcome."
(Albert Einstein)
κρισς [krìsis in the Latin alphabet] is a traumatic and unstable situation that opens up to change. The word holds within itself a possibility, a choice and a reorganization of ideas and events. What is left is for us to understand is that we are the protagonists. World economic crisis, individual crisis, crisis of groups and of ideologies, radical mutation in our way of thinking of acting and in the way we look at the world. The photo group κρισς, born in November 2012 from a collaboration between Miciap and Macao, is aimed at giving practical sense to this project.
For several months photographers have met and in a completely new and indefinite situation they've looked at images projected in the dark and had faith in the creative confrontation.
The horizontal logic of this discourse has connected people with diverse approaches, and has seriously questioned and enriched the way each one perceives a photographic language.
Κρισς has a chronologic, dynamic and cyclical nature whose phases can be observed both on a micro and macro level. Accounts of microorganisms, individuals and of populations. These are the phases that shape this issue. Status quo, chaos and escape, six heterogeneous stories and languages that document the outcome of this extraordinary collective experience, born from the light of our demons.
Thanks to Macao and to all participants to the workshop Krìsis. They made possible this publication and the realization of any other initiative connected to the project.
[in home page: Mirko Namra, Gli assi della crisi, Krìsis, Milano 2013]